Sustainable Building Services

Integrating sustainable solutions into business processes drives innovation and is a proven source of competitive advantage. GCAS provides services on Sustainable Building Services, climate, energy transition, and environmental, social, and governance (ESG)-from board room to the engine room

How we help clients

Whole-Building Life-Cycle Assessment

GCAS conducts life cycle assessment for examining the environmental impacts that stem from the life cycle of a product, process, or service. A whole-building LCA is a specific kind of assessment targeted at understanding the life-cycle impacts of materials used in constructing a building.

GCAS provides complete Building Life Cycle Assessment Solutions with the latest tools and database, LCA Modeling, LCA Scenario Analysis and LCA for construction or building systems in general zed quantitatively

Advanced Zero Energy Design

Zero Energy Design can be achieved by significantly reducing energy use through incorporation of energy-efficient strategies and solutions into the design, construction, and operation of new buildings and commencing retrofits to improve the efficiency of existing buildings.  Most often, use of on-site and off-site renewable energy sources are required to meet the Net-Zero Energy goal.

GCAS provide solutions to establish a proper measurement and verification protocol to help track the ongoing use of energy in order to validate that the goal of Net-Zero Energy is achieved for the life of the building.

 Cradle to Cradle Certification

The Cradle to Cradle Certified™ Product Standard offers a pathway for product manufacturers to make measurable progress towards UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). Cradle to Cradle Certified products can also help contribute points under the LEED v4, BREEAM etc… Green building rating systems.

GCAS provides expert services to obtain C2C Certification to achieve Sustainable Development Goals.

Environmental Product Declarations

 The EPD System is a global programme for environmental declarations based on the ISO 14040/14044, ISO 14025, EN 15804 or ISO 21930 standards. Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) are Eco-labels that display data of predetermined environmental parameter categories according to the international standard ISO 14025.

GCAS has the tools to support your LCA and EPD work and increase your efficiency within the organization. We have been approved by the International Program Operators as EPD Consultants.

Health Product Declarations

The Health Product Declaration (HPD) provides a systematic and standardized way of reporting the material contents of building products, and the health effects associated with these materials.

GCAS offers services to help building product manufacturers complete their Health Product Declaration. We identify all ingredients in your product by working with your supply chain. GCAS assists you in gathering and reporting the information required to complete your Health Product Declarations template. The final HPD is “self-declared” and identified as prepared by GCAS.

Meet The GCAS Experts

Contact our experts today to create Sustainable Business.

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